One of my passions is sailing. I have been a sailor since I was ten years old with a succession of racing dinghies in younger days and yachts in later life. I was involved in building and designing yachts before my career as an artist. I am currently the Chairman of the Vancouver Yachts Association and have many friends in yachting.
I was recently commissioned by a young man, Thom D’Arcy, who sailed his 28 foot long yacht right around the globe in a four year epic voyage that took him to so many countries. The painting was quite a challenge as it had to be a construction. I clearly could not go to sea to paint such a subject from life. I have to rely on photographic material, imagination and intimate knowledge of the yacht, one that we designed and built many years ago. I’m pleased to say he was absolutely bowled over when we unveiled the painting.
The Yacht is a Vancouver 28 called “Fathom” and the painting depicts the yacht surfing down a wave front at dawn in the North Atlantic. She is heavily reefed down with a strong following wind and big seas.
Thom had many adventures along the way and is currently writing a book about his experiences including swimmimg with whale sharks, meeting locals in Madagascar. Stunning scenery with views from the top of Table Mountain in South Africa and sailing under the Sydney Harbour Bridge in Australia.