Paintings Gallery 3
Oil paintings. To buy paintings from this gallery please CONTACT us by email and name the painting and size. We will then arrange for shipping or for you to collect at a suitable date and time. Shipping by courier requires a purpose made shipping box to ensure safe arrival of your painting. We will therefore put together a quote to include shipping box plus insurance and the shipping cost itself. This is determined by size and weight. Payment will be required via BACS or cheque in advance.
Framed oil painting prices………as listed

Mariquita, Cowes 36″ x 24″ Price £3950

Crossroads 36″ x 24″ Price £2950

The Bridge on the Derwent, Grange 30″ x 20″ Price £2450

Sailing Barge Alice at the Gaffers Festival, Yarmouth 30″ x 20″ Price £3250

Setting Sun 16″ x 12″ Price £550